Stakeholders' committee

BLB Vignobles has chosen to solicit its stakeholders so that the results of these discussions can consolidate and enrich its strategy. We are convinced that the success of an activity as old as that of wine could only endure because it has always responded favorably to the expectations of society, beyond the support of its enthusiasts. We see a shift in expectations through questions and concerns that give us a glimpse of tremendous opportunities if we respond to them properly.
After creating his Stakeholder Committee in 2018, Bruno Le Breton decided to go further in 2020 by creating a working group: the representatives of the stakeholder committee. These representatives, on the basis of the discussions held, collectively reflect on the quality of the action plan to be implemented and on the performance indicators to be monitored. These stakeholder representatives foreshadow the mission committee, which will have the task of monitoring the objectives of the mission company that BLB Vignobles wishes to become.

BLB Vignobles is a contributing member of

Terres de Garrigues et du Pic Saint-Loup

Communauté de Communes du Grand Pic Saint-Loup

International Wine Clubs Association

Areni Global

RSE Agro Occitanie


Wine In Moderation

Planète Liège

French Federation of Cork

Our vineyard partners


34830 Clapiers

34830 Clapiers

34967 Montpellier


11120 Mailhac


34130 Mauguio

Our cellar partners

BNC Conditionnement


16100 Merpins

Our producers partners

Domaine des Griffes

Domaine Massillan

34920 Le Crès

Our dry goods partners

Our selling partners


6020 Innsbruck, Autriche

Les Années Vin

Our quality partners

Arktos Conseil

33700 Mérignac

Créer du Lien, Apporter du Sens

Our administrative partners


34070 Montpellier

RSM Méditerranée

34473 Pérols


34130 Mauguio

Our public institution partners


34730 Prades-le-Lez

Area Occitanie

Hérault Tourisme