To share today to benefit tomorrow

To make our heritage of the good, the right and the beautiful accessible in complete transparency

- Ethical and transparent marketing plan focused on CSR, product and corporate content to encourage our stakeholders to reflect on our daily lives

- Follow-up of customer satisfaction via in-depth surveys and reactions on social networks

- Public speaking to discuss responsible consumption at professional and public events to promote the Responsible Wine Tasting Charter and raise awareness of a healthy life balance

- Creation of a botanical trail representing the variety of plant species ‘between vines and scrubland’ by the owner and a village herbalist

- Transparency in the storytelling of the commercial brands of the double identity of producer-merchant

- 4 newsletters per year sent to the stakeholders committee

- Realization of a tasting kit to recreate the universe of our products beyond the bottle

Bruno and Morgane Le Breton speaking at IWCA workshops, 2019
Vignobles et Découvertes awards, 2019

To contribute economically to the territory and to support social and environmental causes

- 95% of our purchases are made in Occitania

- 2 projects supported as part of BLB Initiatives to promote ecological transition in the municipalities of Combaillaux and Vailhauquès

- 1% of our result donated to projects presenting a local environmental or agricultural challenge

- +€3,000 donated to associations and organizations with a positive social impact: CODES 34, APF France Handicap, Café Joyeux

- Development of the wine tourism offer to make our heritage accessible to those who love our wines and those who simply want to enjoy our vines

- Vignobles & Découvertes labeling and participation in the creation of the Terres de Garrigues and Pic Saint-Loup destination, driven by the tourism mission of the Community of Communes of Grand Pic Saint-Loup

- Quality Tourism Occitanie and Quality Tourism France labeling

- Organize annual meetings as a platform for exchanges and experiences unique to the estate: summer and winter open days, tasting evenings and co-creation of a cuvée with our customers

- All wine tourism activities brought together under the name ‘Safari Vigneron Responsable’ to guarantee eco-responsible experiences full of discoveries

Botanical trail traced by owner Françoise Le Breton
Sustainable wine tourism activities