To commit the industry players to creating an ethically-made wine

Governance blazing the trail

- A family company managed by Bruno Le Breton, winemaker owner

- The company is recognized as a 'société à mission' since 2021, making it possible to guarantee our mission by including it in our juridical statutes

- Conducting a corporate strategy integrating CSR issues and market developments

- Meetings in team committees to plan strategy and make operational decisions within the various business units and jointly

- Data relating to the social and environmental impacts are made public and verified by various certifying bodies

- The company has been assessed as CSR committed by the French Standardization Agency at Exemplary level since 2015

- 100% of our crops are HVE (since 2013) and Terra Vitis (since 2018) certified

- Election of the work council despite the non-obligation

Bruno Le Breton celebrating the 20th anniversary of Domaine de la Jasse, 2015
Grit Knebel and Morgane Le Breton at ProWein, 2019

- Join the BCorp movement

- Enable the emergence of new utilities, new activities and new revenues

About Bruno Le Breton

Chairman of the APM Club in Montpellier since 2017, member since 2015
The purpose of the Association for Progress in Management is to help executives progress by providing them with high-level expertise shared each month within the club. The APM has 9,000 executives and 400 clubs in France and around the world. 
logo iwca.png

Chairman of the International Wine Club Association since 2018, member since 2008
The International Wine Club Association is an international organisation of companies that distribute wine through distance selling. The association convenes twice a year around the world to discuss with experts the challenges facing this particular distribution channel and consumer expectations.


Contributing member of Areni Global since 2018
Organiser of the think tank Fine Minds for Fine Wines, the Areni Global Institute aims to reflect on the future of wine and more specifically on the definition of tomorrow’s “fine wines”. Once a year, a meeting is held with renowned wine industry members and personalities from other industries to get a handle on society’s new expectations for our line of business.


Founding member of Sustainable Wine Roundtable
The Sustainable Wine Roundtable (SWR) is a non-profit, multi-stakeholder platform to help advance collaboration and progress on sustainability in the wine sector. By coalescing key actors from across the global value chain, the SWR will provide the clarity, cohesion and collaboration necessary for the wine sector to establish itself as a leader on the world sustainability stage. The SWR envisions a world where high-quality wine is produced, traded and consumed in ways that conserve and regenerate the natural environment; foster human rights, equality and inclusion; and generate prosperity, pride and passion for excellence


A member of the Board of Directors of the Regional Agency for Food Businesses since 2019
The purpose of the Occitanie Regional Agency for Food Businesses is to represent and act as a voice for the food and wine industries in dealings with public organisations and marketers.

To commit our team

- 100% of employees are proud to work in the company (60% in 2020)

- 100% of employees are optimistic about the group's future (80% in 2020)

- 88% of employees estimate the benefits of CSR: by committing to the interests of the approach and its impacts (70% in 2020)

- Each job description explicitly integrates social, environmental and economic performance

- The team is a founding or active member of various inspiring networks at the local, departmental, regional, national and international levels; in the field of wine, vines, culture and management in order to stay awake, inspired on today's issues and allow us to rub shoulders with opinion leaders

- The team has co-written an ethical charter

- The team defined the indicators of the profit-sharing agreement based on the governance proposal. The CSR indicators of means and results assess the profit-sharing bonus

Damien Michel animating a wine and food workshop, 2019
The team planting 525 trees with Pur Project, 2020

- Train new recruits in CSR and social and environmental performance

- Create a "live my life" challenge to allow each member of the team to better understand the challenges and the daily lives of their colleagues

To involve our stakeholders

- 60% of the land cultivated by our partners is certified for their sustainable practices: HVE, Organic Agriculture, Committed Winegrower

- 20% of the land cultivated by our partners respects good sustainable cultivation practices

- Our stakeholders are evaluated via a selection procedure, a questionnaire, and visits

- Close relations almost daily with our distributor customers, guaranteeing trust and dialogue

- Quarterly support by external experts the cellar and the vineyard

- Signature of the stakeholder charter by the 16 representatives of the relevant stakeholders

- Recruit a person in charge of supporting our partners in their certification process

- Audit our suppliers according to a formal guide

Vineyard visit with our wine bulk partners, 2019
Visit of the Diam factory in Céret, 2019
Visit of Hérault and Occitanie Préfets, 2018